Highlights 2018-2019

Scientific publication:

Phylogenetic analysis of the Baikalodrilus species flock (Annelida: Clitellata: Naididae), an endemic genus to Lake Baikal (Russia), P. Martin, G. Sonet, N. Smitz & T. Backeljau, 2019, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 187(4): 987–1015 (Nov. 2019).

Scientific publication:

Integrative taxonomy resuscitates two species in the Lasioglossum villosulum complex (Kirby, 1802) (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae), A. Pauly, G. Noël, G. Sonet, D.G. Notton, J.L. Boevé, 2019, European Journal of Taxonomy, 541 (Sept. 2019).

Scientific publication:

First mitochondrial genomes of five hoverfly species of the genus Eristalinus (Diptera: Syrphidae), Gontran Sonet, Yannick De Smet, Min Tang, Massimiliano Virgilio, Andrew D. Young, Jeffrey H. Skevington, Ximo Mengual, Thierry Backeljau, Shanlin Liu, Xin Zhou, Marc De Meyer & Kurt Jordaens. 2019. Genome, 2019; 62(10): 677-687 (Jul. 2019).

Scientific publication:

DNA barcoding fishes from the Congo and the Lower Guinean provinces: Assembling a reference library for poorly inventoried fauna by Gontran Sonet, Jos Snoeks, Zoltán T. Nagy, Emmanuel Vreven, Gert Boden, Floris C. Breman, Eva Decru, Mark Hanssens, Armel Ibala Zamba, Kurt Jordaens, Victor Mamonekene, Tobias Musschoot, Jeroen Van Houdt, Maarten Van Steenberge, Soleil Lunkayilakio Wamuini & Erik Verheyen. Mol Ecol Resour. 2019;19:728–743 (May 2019).

Scientific publication:

First genomic study on Lake Tanganyika sprat Stolothrissa tanganicae: a lack of population structure calls for integrated management of this important fisheries target species, E.L.R. De Keyzer, Z. De Corte, M. Van Steenberge, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, F.C.F. Calboli, N. Kmentová, T.N.’Sibula Mulimbwa, M. Virgilio, C. Vangestel, P.Masilya Mulungula, F.A.M. Volckaert, M.P.M. Vanhove, 2019, BMC Evolutionary Biology, 19:6. (Mar. 2019).

Preliminary results:

Genomic basis underlying male reproductive strategies in a dwarf spider, Frederik Hendrickx, Zoë De Corte, Gontran Sonet and Carl Vangestel. Poster presented at the Physalia course '2nd edition Assembly and Annotation of Genomes', 11-15 February 2019 (Feb. 2019).

Scientific publication:

Evolution at two time frames: Polymorphisms from an ancient singular divergence event fuel contemporary parallel evolution, S.M. Van Belleghem, C. Vangestel, K. De Wolf, Z. De Corte, M. Möst, P. Rastas, L. De Meester, F. Hendrickx, 2018, PLOS Genetics, 14, e1007796 (Dec. 2018).

Scientific publication:

A genome-wide data assessment of the African lion (Panthera leo) population genetic structure and diversity in Tanzania, N. Smitz, O. Jouvenet, F. Ambwene Ligate, W.G. Crosmary, D. Ikanda, P. Chardonnet, A. Fusari, K. Meganck, F. Gillet, M. Melletti, J.R. Michaux, 2018, PLOS ONE, 13, e0205395 (Dec. 2018).

Running project:

DNA analysis of a Roman skeleton of a Cervidae from Belgium: The goal of this small project is to extract ancient DNA from a partial skeleton of a Cervidae discovered in a Roman context at Herstal (Liège) and confirm its species identification. Based on osteomorphological analysis, the skeleton has been attributed to the fallow deer (Dama dama), however, the species identification needs to be confirmed by a DNA analysis. Dama dama is from eastern Mediterranean and if individuals were imported in north-western Europe during the Roman period is still under debate (Nov. 2018).

Scientific publication:

Using next-generation sequencing to improve DNA barcoding: lessons from a small-scale study of wild bee species (Hymenoptera, Halictidae) by Sonet G, Pauly, A, Nagy ZT, Virgilio M, Jordaens K, Van Houdt J, Worms S, De Meyer M, Backeljau T, 2018, Apidologie, 49, 671 – 685 (Sep. 2018).

Running project:

Genomics of the Nile Tilapia in the Congo Basin: tissue samples of 144 specimens of Oreochromis niloticus from Lower, Middle and Upper Congo are being analyzed using the 'RADseq' method. This approach (restriction associated DNA sequencing) enables the collection of short DNA sequences from all over the genome, which are associated with restriction sites (Jun. 2018).

Scientific publication:

Tom van der Valk and the team lead by Dr. Katerina Guschanski (Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University, Sweden) analysed historical museum of two critically endangered eastern gorilla taxa, Grauer’s (Gorilla beringei graueri) and mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei).
Many of the historical specimens were sampled in the Royal Museum for Central Africa and  the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. They show that the loss of peripheral populations has the most profound effect on gorilla genetic diversity.

Scientific publication:

Linking phenotype, genotype and environment to unravel genetic components underlying cold hardiness in coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii)
Vangestel C, Eckert AJ, Wegrzyn JL, Clair BSt., Neale DB , 2018 , Tree Genetics & Genomes , 14: 10. doi: 10.1007/s11295-017-1225-x (Feb. 2018).

Scientific publication:

Finding loci associated to partial resistance to white pine blister rust in sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana Dougl.).
Vázquez-Lobo A, De La Torre AR, Martínez-García PJ, Vangestel C, Wegzryn JL, Calic I, Burton D, Davis D, Kinloch B, Vogler D, Neale DB, 2017, Tree Genetics & Genomes (Feb. 2018).

Here is a brief summary of the JEMU projects of 2017 (call for proposal of 2016) and of their current status  (Jan. 2018).
2016-2017 Highlights for the period 2016-2017
2014-2015 Highlights for the period 2014-2015
2011-2013 Highlights for the period 2011-2013

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith