Research projects

Hitherto JEMU supported ca. 40 research projects that were initiated by research teams from both RMCA and/or RBINS in collaboration with other Belgian and/or foreign partners.

There are two types of projects:
- flagship projects provide funding for new or ongoing studies that substantially contribute to the scientific valorisation of the collections of RMCA and RBINS;
- pilot projects provide support to scientists of RBINS and RMCA in order to carry out pilot research in specific fields.

Acronym Coordinator Image
MolChaRE Molecular characterization of recent echinoderms Yves Samyn (RBINS) and Didier VandenSpiegel (RMCA)
Reseq_gibbosus Dwarf spider dimorphism investigated using whole genome resequencing Frederik Hendrickx (RBINS)
LT-Stolo Population genomics of the Lake Tanganyika sprat (Stolothrissa tanganicae) Maarten Van Steenberge (RMCA) & Maarten Vanhove (RBINS)
HalAfrEu Phylogeny of Halictidae bees from Africa and Europe Alain Pauly & Jean‐Luc Boevé (RBINS)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith